Difference Between Basmati Rice & Regular Rice

Why should you buy the Basmati Rice? Or why should you go in for the normal Rice? What?s the difference? Wondering about it all? Read to know the difference between Regular Rice and Basmati Rice.
Basmati Rice is an exclusive type of Rice available in India. Basmati Rice may be Brown or White, exactly like all the other kinds of species of Rice. Wondering why the color varies? Well!! The variation in the color is because of the extent to which the milling process has been used. Isn?t the aroma of Basmati rice refreshing? Certainly!! Basmati rice has a revitalizing aroma much better?than the aroma of Jasmine rice.
This unique aroma is because of the presence of a chemical called the 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline and this chemical being 1121 Steam Basmati Rice 12 times more in Basmati rice as compared to the other kinds of Rice gives the Basmati rice its unique and special aroma. Still inquisitive about the difference between White Basmati Rice and Brown Basmati Rice?
One of the most important questions to be asked about all kinds of Rice is that how much has it been processed? Processing of Rice involves milling and polishing. Brown Rice is made by removing the outermost layer of the Rice called the Hull. The entire Kernel remains intact and the Kernel is surrounded by all the layers of the Bran.
For producing White rice, the milling of the Bran layers of the Rice is done. During this extensive grinding process, Rice Miller In India most of the germ of the Rice also gets removed. At this juncture, the Rice is called the unpolished yet milled White Rice. After this, the usage of the wire brush machine removes the Aleurone layer of the Rice present on the Rice. This stage is called the polishing stage. Semi polished Rice do comprise of the Aleurone layer.
The germ, Aleurone layer and the bran comprise of immense fat content and are also the source of the vitamins that are fat soluble like Vitamin E and various other nutrients. In case if the components of high fat of the rice grains remain intact, the shelf life of the grains decline extensively. This Rice Exporter From India acts partly as the motivation for the manufacturers for removing the germ, the bran and Aleurone layers of the rice, although the procedure reduces the nutritional value of the rice.
There is one procedure that causes the ?converted Rice?. In this procedure, the steam is provided to the whole grain before the milling. This results in the migration of the B vitamins to the endosperm, the center of the rice that is starchy. This procedure results in leaving the B vitamins Indian Basmati Rice inside the rice that has been converted irrespective of the removal of the layers present outside.
Whole grain Rice is considered to be the most nutritious -minimally milled and semi polished whether being Basmati or Regular rice. This will make you enjoy great health benefits.
For ordering the best Basmati and non-Basmati Rice, contact SKRM at +91- 971 8647867
Leviticus Bennett
I like your point that the aroma of Basmati rice is extremely refreshing. Smelling Basmati rice reminds me of my home and my mother’s cooking. I should buy some and start eating it more often.
Like!! Great article post.Really thank you! Really Cool.